
Primordial Gods

  • Vivanta - The Primordial Goddess of Life and "sister" of Mortinta and Tempo. Vivanta perished while trying to save her injured peers during The Second Cataclysm.

  • Mortinta - The Primordial Goddess of Death and "sister" of Vivanta and Tempo. Mortinta was one of the many Primordial Gods who perished duting The Cataclysm, having been the reason why the event was discovered by the other Gods, since her absence caused a crisis, as the souls of the dead could not reach the Celestial Echoes.

  • Tempo - The Primordial Goddess of Time and "sister" of Mortinta and Vivanta. Tempo was one of the Primordial Gods who perished during The Second Cataclysm.

  • Stelo - The Primordial God of Stars.

  • Planedos - The Primordial Goddess of Planets.

  • Tero - The Primordial God of Land.
  • Akvo - The Primordial Goddess of The Sea.
  • New Gods

  • Charlotte DeVerne - The New Goddess of Death and The Moon.
  • Dianna Fujii - The New Goddess of The Ocean and Blooms.
  • Maya Ruidas - The New Goddess of Wind and Lightning.
  • Alyssa Lambert - The New Goddess of Land and Stars.
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