WARNING! This site will contain mentions of the following: Death, suicide, child abandonment, violence, and more. This will be updated as necessary.


Part I: The Tale of the Primordial Gods

"May the stories of your life be stored in the divine library of the Celestial Echoes." - The Blessing of Remembrance, given by the goddess Mortinta to all the souls who crossed the border to the Celestial Echoes.

"Almost 14 billion years ago, the first universe was created, and, as it was born, so were the first three gods: Death, Life and Time. As it expanded, more gods were born, all of them as powerful as the first three, but in different ways.

For a long time, these gods had no objective. Their universe was empty, and there was nothing to take care of. That was until one fateful day. That day, Stelo and Planedos awakened their powers, creating the first ever Solar System. With the help of Tero, Vivanta and Mortinta, the first ever species, made in the very image of the gods, was born.

The gods took good care of their creations, providing them with everything they could need. For warmth and light, Stelo's most brilliant star - named "Sun", in the language spoken by the species - was shown during the day, while a collaboration between Mortinta, Tero and Stelo was made to give them less light during nightime, allowing them to sleep. Tero, with Akvo's help, made sure their entire planet would be habitable. giving them the resources to grow stronger. Vivanta gave them the power to reproduce, while Mortinta guided their dead towards eternal rest. In exchange, the creatures worshipped the gods, giving them offerings and building them temples.

Unfortunately, this era of peace and harmony was soon to end, as a Cataclysm came. It was unexpected, with a large wave of light, that disappeared as suddenly as it came. For months, the gods tried to access all damage, attempting to enter the Celestial Echoes, Mortinta's realm, all of them failing.

After a long time, they finally found out why: Mortinta was gone. Her soul had been ripped to shreds by the Cataclysm, and so had many other gods'. There were many attempts to fix this, only worsening the damage done."


"Eventually, all of the gods had been gone. Their souls sewn together to others' in a desperate attempt to save them."

"May the tales of your life be safely stored in the eternal libraries of the Celestial Echoes." - The Blessing of Reminiscence, given by Her Ladyship, Goddess of Death and The Moon, to all who cross the border towards the Celestial Echoes.

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